Tag: Guanacaste

  • Costa Rica, Part 6 (Beyond the Beach)

    My flirtation with idleness ended. I simply couldn’t sit around Tamarindo another day doing nothing or I’d grow increasingly frustrated. So the relaxation was fine for awhile but now I needed to find something else to do. Surfing lessons didn’t seem like a thing for me but plenty of other activities sounded interesting. Tamarindo Estuary…

  • Costa Rica, Part 5 (Relaxing in Tamarindo)

    Rainy season doesn’t mean the same thing across the entirety of Costa Rica. Nor does it start suddenly or retain consistent intensity. So our drive to Guanacaste Province’s drier Pacific coast during the earlier part of the season promised plenty of sunshine. That was our plan anyway, and it actually worked. We could take a…

  • Costa Rica, Part 4 (Brew Day)

    We hadn’t visited any breweries in the first several days but that was about to change. It turns out Costa Rica has a fairly lively craft brewery scene and we were moving into an area rich with them. Several fell within our direct path between La Fortuna and Tamarindo and that let me grow my…