Month: November 2012

  • Five Great Years

    There were 57,482,609 WordPress blog sites in the world when I checked this evening. Twelve Mile Circle is merely one. What is the average lifespan of a blog? I don’t know although I suspect it’s short. Most probably bite the dust in their first month. Those making their way through that first crucial phase tend…

  • Flip-Flopping

    Despite the title, this article has nothing to do with the upcoming election. I promise. I am so tired of living in a so-called Swing State this election cycle. Seriously, I’m ready to start breaking things. The incessant phone calls, the constant barrage of negative advertising, the people who won’t quit knocking on my door,…

  • Help Identify Hurricane Sandy Damage

    Greetings map-obsessed readers of the Twelve Mile Circle. Is it a slow day at work and you’d like to fritter away a few moments on something that’s actually useful and productive? Would you like to help identify and categorize Hurricane Sandy Damage? If so, please visit the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team website. From their website: “Hurricane…

  • Arizona Strip

    Arizona’s observance of time demonstrates considerable weirdness. This article isn’t about time, however, although it’s about Arizona. I think of Arizona at least twice a year, in Spring and in Autumn when the United States toggles between standard and daylight saving time. A disconnected memory triggered by the upcoming time change floated back into to…