Month: January 2019

  • Cross-Country, Part 3 (County Counting)

    I wanted to grab some new counties. That basic objective served as a guidepost, the unifying premise for the entire trip.  We would see other things along the route and during most of a week in Phoenix, Arizona, of course.  However, make no mistake, I wanted the new counties more than anything else.  As noted…

  • Cross-Country, Part 2 (Weatherford Art Thou?)

    A strange alignment revealed itself as I planned my cross-country trip. I used the same basic set of assumptions for each of the four potential routes. First I divided the total driving duration by five to come up with approximately equal days on the road. That would average about seven hours of driving each day…

  • Cross-Country, Part 1 (The Plot Thickens)

    Don’t get me wrong, I loved our trip to Australia and New Zealand last summer. I already want to return there and someday I will. However, my relentless need to count counties took a serious hit in 2018 as a direct result. My map barely changed as the year progressed. I gave up on the…