Tag: Long Island

  • Insignificant Synonyms

    I sometimes used synonyms or euphemisms for small, inconsequential places. They even find their way into Twelve Mile Circle articles occasionally. They were just generic terms for middle of nowhere spots where nothing every happened and nothing ever would for the remaining history of the known universe. However, they didn’t really exist. Or did they?…

  • Middling

    Some of the recent articles included places in the New York City area, an odd coincidence. I also happened to spot an interesting name on Long Island during the process, a place called Middle Island. It appeared to be pretty close to the middle of Long Island, which indeed is a long island. I drove…

  • Mysterious Plum Island

    Plum Island sits off the northeast coast of Long Island, New York. Throughout the last two centuries it has vacillated between civilian and government use. Colonists began settling here in the late seventeenth and into the eighteenth centuries, and named it for the abundant native plum trees. British raiders bedeviled the island during the Revolutionary…