Tag: License Plate

  • Biloxi Lighthouse

    Biloxi, Mississippi (April 2010) The Biloxi Lighthouse (map) is a symbol of the city, of hope and resilience in the wake of major hurricanes that have scoured the Gulf Coast for centuries. This is perhaps the most easily approachable lighthouse of any I’ve visited. Anyone can take Interstate 110 directly to the heart of Bilox…

  • Geographically Coded Plates

    Recently I spotted an automobile with a Nebraska license plate, or more properly a “vehicle registration plate” I suppose. That wasn’t an everyday occurrence here in the Mid-Atlantic more than 1,100 miles (1,770 kilometres) from that Midwestern state. Often I’ve wondered what would bring a driver such a long distance from his home after I’ve…

  • License to Map

    I guess I didn’t know until this morning that license plates, those little identification signs we attach to our automobiles, are more generically called vehicle registration plates. Right now I’m sure my North American audience is wondering why I even bothered to define “license plate” when the meaning is so intuitively obvious. That’s because the…

  • Cajun Cars

    The United States does not have an official language. English predominates of course, but other languages prevailed in certain places as they have for centuries. The Cajun dialect of French as spoken in parts of Louisiana is a prime example. CODOFIL Cajun culture intertwines with Louisiana’s identity, personality and heritage. In recognition the state legislature…