Tag: Great Circle

  • Select African Superlatives

    I thought I’d lump another set of somewhat related items together as I continued to cull the enormous backlog of possible Twelve Mile Circle topics. However, they didn’t have much in common except that they all involved continental Africa. Two involved geographical observations and the other two related to geological oddities. All of them piqued…

  • Highpoint to Lowpoint Revisited

    The recent Highpoint to Lowpoint article generated more interest than I expected. I wanted to go into more detail when I wrote it but it got unwieldy. Unfortunately I didn’t get an opportunity due to various time constraints back then. The details would have required a lot of manual effort and I didn’t really want…

  • Odds and Ends 6

    We have lots to talk about today in convenient bite-sized morsels. Time passes, familiar stories change, unexplored topics surface, and readers continue to contribute great ideas (thank you!). It’s a convenient moment to dust-off a periodic recurring theme on 12MC. I call it “Odds and Ends.” Like a bad movie spawning endless sequels, the Twelve…

  • Atlantic to Pacific

    Regular readers of the Twelve Mile Circle seem to enjoy vicarious road challenges. Those include shortest routes, fastest times, greatest distances over specific times, and things of that nature. I featured the highway path from Canada to Mexico a few weeks ago. Now I’d like to explore the other direction across the United States. So…

  • Long Distance Diversion

    I canceled my DSL service a few days ago and moved to one of those “bundled” broadband services with voice, television and Internet access all rolled into a single plan. All went well and I don’t have any of the horror stories one typically hears about with these types of installations. It still fascinates me…

  • State Capitals Meet Time Zones

    I love it when categories collide and take me in entirely unanticipated directions. That’s what happened today. I noticed an interesting external search that bounced against my site: “What 2 state capitals are within 20 miles of a time zone boundary?” I’ve featured time zones many different times. I’ve also focused on the peculiarities of…

  • Just How Wide is Hudson Bay, Really?

    Everything about Canada is larger than life. It’s difficult to wrap one’s mind around its incredible breadth and scale. I came across a tantalizing fact that I thought might help conceptualize its vastness. Actually it’s a clever little illusion, some geography-slight-of-hand. In fact I think it’s more enjoyable as a mind-bender than as a trivia…