Tag: County Counters

  • County Counting in Canada

    I noticed yesterday evening that the Mob Rule County Counting website added Canadian provinces as of December 29, 2011. That means that all loyal 12MC readers from Canada, or those from South of the Border who have traveled extensively in Canada, can now expand their county counting fun considerably. I’ve already added my pathetic results,…

  • Google Maps County Lines on the Way?

    Are county boundaries finally on the way to Google Maps? County Counters including myself have bemoaned the complete lack of county lines in Maps, having to rely on Mapquest and other sources instead. Last night, however, I went to Google and searched on Fayette County, Pennsylvania. The result shocked me. Check it out! That’s an…

  • Appalachian Trail Counties

    For a long time I’ve wondered what would happen if a county counter hiked the Appalachian Trail. I know that’s not a normal curiosity. I’m not the type of person to move in lockstep with everyone else though. However, I am not interested in walking the Appalachian Trail. I am sure the wonders and hardships…

  • Cut the Corner

    Longtime reader James S.[1] has an interesting experience every time he drives along Interstate 75 between Georgia and Florida. There is a spot along that highway where one can observe two county entrance markers simultaneously. Take a close look at the Google Street View image and the signs can be seen pretty easily, one nearby…

  • EXTREME County Counting

    Many of us are County Counters here on Twelve Mile Circle. I’m a practitioner myself and I’ve been known to go a couple hours out of my way to pick up a few new ones. However, what would you say about a plan to visit every single county in New England within a 24-hour period?…