Tag: Australia Ferry

  • Sydney Skyline

    As Viewed from the Taronga Zoo (October 1997) After twenty hours of flight from the east coast of the United States, we reached Australia, and arrived in Sydney with fourteen hours of jet lag to make up. We took this photograph from the north side of Port Jackson at the Taronga Zoo Sydney. From that…

  • Ferry Maps of the World

    An Ever-Growing List of Ferries From Around the World 750+ Ferry Routes and Counting Maps currently available include: Australia (& Sydney Detail Map) (& Brisbane Detail Map) The British Islands and the Republic of Ireland Canada The Caribbean and Nearby Areas New Zealand United States This page will always be a work in progress. The…

  • Google Sightseeing

    It pleased me to learn today that a recent post from Twelve Mile Circle appeared on Google Sightseeing. I’d nominated the Bruny Island Ferry images I found on Google Street View (including one from inside the ferry). They first appeared on my Ferries of Australia post. Then Google Sightseeing used it as part of their…