Tangier Island on ESPN

ESPN has been airing promotional videos featuring Tangier Island, a small marshy inhabited locale within Virginia’s portion of the Chesapeake Bay. The premise is that Tangier Island is the biggest (per capita) sports town in America.

I’ve been getting some pretty impressive website traffic from Google as a result.

For First Time Visitors:

Welcome to the Twelve Mile Circle website. It’s devoted to an appreciation of unusual places which I like to call geo-oddities. Tangier Island is one of my favorite unusual places. Here are the pages on the website you’re probably looking for if Google is an indicator:

  • Tangier Island Virginia: Includes some photos, explanatory text and an embedded Google Map.
  • Tangier Island Ferry: Tells you how to get to Tangier Island from Virginia’s western shore using the ferry; includes some more photos and text and an embedded route map.

I hope you consider coming back again or subscribing to the feed if the subjects discussed on the site interest you.

For Regular Readers:

Consider this a bonus article. I’ll be posting my usual longer-form Sunday article later today.

The ESPN videos are worth a quick glance, and yes, that is the actual natural accent for the people of Tangier. It’s the result of centuries of near-isolation in the middle of the bay.



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  1. Technically it’s not always correct to say EST/CST, etc…. but just an indication that I’m changing time zone is enough,…

  2. In general, I wonder why navigating from the Atlantic Ocean to the Black Sea doesn’t count as inland navigation.

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